CPAC offers a limited number of scholarships to applicants who demonstrate exceptional talent, work ethic and commitment.
At the discretion of the creative director, scholarships may be offered up to 50% of the course tuition fees. Scholarship recipients will be required to uphold exceptional standards both professionally and personally throughout the duration of the course.
If successful, scholarship applicants will be required to fulfil small obligatory duties for 2 hours per week. These may include classroom assistance, carpark monitoring, props bump in/out etc.
In the event that a student cancels their enrolment at any time throughout the year, the scholarship benefit will be forfeited and full price course fees (pro-rated up until termination of enrolment) will be rendered due.


In addition to standard course audition requirements, scholarship applicants must provide the following documentation:

- Completed Scholarship Questionnaire
- 2 letters of recomendation
- Filmed one-minute solo that best demonstrates their exceptional talent


CPAC offers flexible interest-free payment plans that allows students/ parents to spread their course costs over an extended period.
Further detail available on application.